
輕鬆充值您的微信和支付寶錢包。 代購 代付 代充。

持牌經營 信心保證

In order to facilitate Hong Kong citizen to pay for online Taobao shopping , YY ADVISORY  Top Up Easy service is specially provided for Taobao purchasing agents to recharge small amounts of RMB to domestic Alipay. Applicants can enjoy the convenient top-up Taobao shopping of Top Up Easy.

Top Up Easy

The minimum top up limit is CNY 300 and the maximum is CNY 10000

Each order service charge fee is HKD30.

Today 07-07-2024 top up rate as below:

CNY 300 - CNY 10000$1.1460

If customers show up like , follow and share our social media Facebook / Instagram , YY ADVISORY allow  customers to get Top Up Easy preferential Discount rate.

If the rate is 1.146, then minus 0.005 to 1.141.

Cash Out Easy

The minimum cash out limit is CNY 300 and the maximum is CNY 10000

Each order service charge fee is HKD30.

Today 07-07-2024 cash out rate as below:

CNY 300 - CNY 10000$1.0460

If customers show up like , follow and share our social media Facebook / Instagram, YY ADVISORY allow account customers to get Cash Out Easy preferential Discount rate.

If the rate is 1.046, then add 0.005 to 1.051.


Many applicants asked YY ADVISORY how to operate TOP UP EASY, they found YY ADVISORY needs applicants to fill in and provide relevant information for each single application, they were very resistant, claiming that other platforms do not need it. Generally, in these situations, YY ADVIOSORY will try our best to explain, so that the applicant can understand why these information or documents are required. o if the applicant can provide sufficient information or documents can be used to allow YY ADVISORY to make a correct payment and judgment. When the applicant is unable to provide some of the information or documents, YY ADVISORY can only reject the application, thank you for the applicant understanding.